
Khone Phapheng Waterfall - Laos

Considered to be the largest waterfall in South East Asia in terms of volume, Khone Phapheng Waterfall is such an amazing thing to feast our eyes on. It is located on the great Mekong River bordering Cambodia in the south. A 49,000 cubic meter per second discharge of the cataract was the highest volume on record. It stands at 69 feet or 29 meters in segmented rapids making the Mekong River unnavigable to China. 
The falls has several rocky outcrops and channels that look spectacular and best viewed before rainy season. Other than that, local people setting fish traps can also be viewed, with numerous restaurants and handicraft stalls around to keep visitors more entertained. 
During the first five months of 2008 according to a tourism official, the provincial authorities of Champassak where the waterfall is located earned 350 million kip ($41,518). Eighty percent of the tourists  are from Thailand and Europe while the locals from other provinces constitute the rest. Entrance fee for Lao Nationals is 3,000 kip ($ 0.36) while 10,000 kip ($1.19) for foreign nationals. Bargain? Visit Laos then..: )


Mel said...

That Phapheng waterfall is amazing! I'd love to hear what it sounds like! Wow, wow and wow!

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