Christmas In South East Asia

I know it's late but i still believe in "better late than never" junkie. Been busy with so many personal activities related to work. Soo in return, I'll make sure to make a post about New Year before the 1st of January, of course. Anyway, we all know that several countries in the world celebrate Christmas with great emphasis on gift-giving and family get together during Christmas eve, with symbols being attached to almost anything, even bushes and trees in the backyard.
However, each countries has its own variations or difference in some other ways. Traditions and culture play an important role in making it unique. Religion has its part as well, especially in Southeast Asia where Buddhism dominates the countries of Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam. Malaysia and Indonesia are dominant followers of Islam, while the Philippines and Timor-Leste are followers of the Christian faith.

Southeast Asian countries may be different, yet very similar in so many ways. And to better explain on how Southeast Asian celebrate Christmas read Christmas in Southeast Asia HERE.


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