Pulau Seribu-Indonesia

Pulau Seribu, known as "the thousand islands" in Indonesia, is located 45 kilometers north of the capital city Jakarta. It consist of scattered islands in four districts with 105 islands in total. There are about 200,000 people living in Pulau Seribu with a total land area of 8.7 km².
The area of Pulau Seribu is a marine national park but some of the islands are being developed to make it more attractive to tourists. Others are uninhibited, and some are owned by wealthy Jakartans. The place is very near to the capital city, and most of the Jakartans visit the place for recreation and to escape the bustling city life.

Here's the list of some islands that are being developed:

Genteng Besar
Pulau Lipan
Pulau Macan
Pulau Melintang Besar
Pulau Perak
Pulau Putri Besar
Pulau Sebaru Besar

The biggest archipelago in the world is Indonesia, and the exact number of the islands are still unknown. A South East Asian treasure with 17,000 (more or less) islands..

That's a jaw drop.....


Unknown said...

oh wow!i am fascinated by the natural beauty of asia more particularly the south east. thankz for posting such pride of ours, ill be looking forward to see more posts here. keep up the good work :P

Momgen said...


chris adventures said...

Added you already....

Unknown said...


Thanks for posting my blog in your blog.. I appreciate it. I'll go and check your blog again for voting..Good day!

@ Samuel,

I will add more beautiful places and intertesting things here about SEA. You may want to subscribe to my feeds to read all new posted contents or just click my follow me on twitter link on the upper right hand side..

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